گروه زبان انگلیسی متوسطه دوم آذربایجان غربی

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گروه زبان انگلیسی متوسطه دوم آذربایجان غربی

هدف وبلاگ حاضر ارائه ی گزارش در مورد فعالیت های انجام گرفته توسط گروه زبان انگلیسی متوسطه ی دوم استان آذربایجان غربی، اطلاع رسانی در مورد برنامه های گروه و نیز آگاه سازی گروههای مناطق از موارد مورد انتظار در طی سال تحصیلی می باشد.

طبقه بندی موضوعی
کلمات کلیدی

به اطلاع می رساند مسابقه ی آنلاین دبیران زبان انگلیسی روز دوشنبه 10 اردیبهشت 97 از ساعت 14 تا 23 شب برگزار می گردد.

منبع آزمون: زبان عمومی (Vocabulary, Grammar, Language Functions, Idioms, Reading Comprehension)

برای شرکت در آزمون در تاریخ مشخص شده به آدرس اینترنتی زیر مراجعه نمایید:



·         همکاران شرکت کننده پس از نام خانوادگی نام منطقه و یا شهر خود را بنویسند.

·         نام کاربری شماره پرسنلی و رمز عبور شماره شناسنامه همکاران خواهد بود

·         اولین نتیجه پس از ثبت نهایی قابل قبول است بنابراین از تکرار آزمون خودداری گردد.

·         از نفرات برتر تقدیر به عمل خواهد آمد.

  • گروه زبان متوسطه دوم

The Effect of Using Short Stories on Vocabulary Learning of Iranian EFL Learners

Ali Mokri



This study aimed at investigating the effect of using short stories on enhancing vocabulary learning of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. The purpose of the study was to come up with new methods of enhancing learners’ vocabulary which enable both teachers and students to better cope with language learning and teaching. The design of the study is of quasi-experimental pretest-posttest. The participants were in two classes each of which had 25 students. One of the classes was considered as the control group and the other one was considered as the experimental group. The analysis of data using independent samples t-test showed that there was no significant difference between two groups at the outset of the study. After the treatment period, a posttest was given to both groups to see if there was a significant difference between the two groups. The magnitude of sig (2-tailed) on posttest was 0.01 that is lower than 0.05. Therefore, the difference is significant and the experimental group outperformed the control group. This can be attributed to the effect of using short stories on improving vocabulary performance of learners. The results have some implications for language teachers and materials developers.

Index Termsvocabulary learning, short story, vocabulary retention, EFL learners

برای دریافت مقاله اینجا کلیک کنید.

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 The Effect of Concordancing on Iranian High School Students' Learning of Phrasal verbs across Proficiency Levels

Hamideh Kazemzadeh Ghadim

Farzanegan High school, Khoy, Iran

دریافت مقاله


In spite of the highly beneficial applications of corpus linguistics in language pedagogy, it has not found its way into mainstream EFL. The major reasons seem to be the teachers' lack of training and the unavailability of resources, especially computers in language classes. Phrasal verbs have been shown to be a problematic area of learning English as a foreign language due to their semantic opacity and structural differences between English and learners' first languages. The present study aimed at investigating the difference between the performances of learners who studied phrasal verbs by an English teaching method that uses concordance methods and those who studied phrasal verbs by traditional method. In addition, the difference between high and low proficiency learners in the concordance group was investigated. Fifty pre-intermediate learners from Farzanegan Highschool in Khoy participated in this study. They were divided into controlled and experimental groups randomly. To ensure the homogeneity of two groups the proficiency test of Ket was administered.

Then, they were given a pre-test. After receiving 6 sessions of instruction, the participants first took the first post-test and after four weeks, they were given a delayed-posttest. Findings showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and the control groups.

Also, there was a significant difference between high and low proficiency learners using concordance approach, with the high proficiency learners outperforming the low group.

The results of the current study can be employed by policy makers, curriculum designers, educational organizations, academic specialists, administrators, course developers, and teachers and at the same time learners.

Keywords: corpus; concordance approach; phrasal verb; traditional approach

دریافت مقاله

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Looking for a game that would challenge and engage students, I came across the spelling bee contest, which started in the US before spreading to many other countries. I decided to customise it for my local context. I realised that what I needed first was an instruction manual, an emblem and a title. I wrote a manual in L1 and concocted the word SPELLIRAN to introduce and promote
the programme and show that it was for our whole country. I then borrowed a green vine leaf from our teachers’ association
logo to symbolise the growth and development of spelling as one of the key components of learning English.

برای دریافت مقاله اینجا کلیک کنید.

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Learning preferences of students attending and not attending language institutes

Sara Jalali

Urmia University, Faculty of Humanities, English Department, s.jalali@urmia.ac.ir

Masoumeh Samadi

Urmia University, Faculty of Humanities, English Department, samadi.masoum@yahoo.com



In the context of language classroom, learners are by and large the consumers whose beliefs, attitudes, motivation, and preferences play the most important role in the learning path. Therefore, with respect to learners’ differences and the unique situations each learning context requires, this study attempted to investigate the differences, if any, between English language learning preferences of students studying in language institutes in addition to their language programs that schools have set up with those who mainly study English via school curriculum. To this end, 180 high school students within the age range of 15-17 took part in this study; 90 students studying in language institutes in addition to attending language programs and 90 who attended only the mainstream school program. The researchers employed a 53-item Likert scale questionnaire to survey learning preferences of the participants. The results of the t-test analyses indicated that there was not any significant difference between the learning preferences of the two groups in general; however, there were differences regarding different classifications of items namely, grouping, vocabulary learning, learning grammar, error correction, media, and learning activities. The findings are hoped to pave the way for learners and teachers to ameliorate language programs.

Keywords: language learning styles; learning preferences; high school students; language institutes; high schools

جهت دریافت مقاله اینجا کلیک کنید.

  • گروه زبان متوسطه دوم

A Contrastive Study of Lexical Cohesion in Introduction in Research Articles: Native English and Iranian Applied Linguistics

Hamideh Gholami *

MA Candidate, Department of English, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh Branch, Maragheh, Iran

Firooze Alizadeh

MA Candidate, Department of English, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh Branch, Maragheh, Iran



This study intended to contrast the frequency and density of the use of different types of lexical cohesion in introduction part of native English and Iranian applied linguistic research articles. The framework utilized for the analysis of lexical cohesion was the one employed by Halliday and Hasan (1976) in cohesion in English. Forty introduction parts of native English and Iranian applied linguistic articles; twenty from each group were selected. For contrastive analysis, the SPSS software was used. The results revealed some similarities and differences in the use of lexical cohesion sub-types in introduction part of native English and Iranian applied linguistic research articles in terms of frequency and density of utilization of sub-types of lexical cohesion. The statistical tool of the t-test was used to determine whether there was a significant difference among the lexical cohesion devices in both groups of native English and Iranian texts. Based on these findings, the frequency of sub-types of lexical cohesion was (Rept, Gen. N, Coll, Syn, Hypo, Ant. And Mero) in native English texts, while the frequency Iranian texts was (Rept, Gen. N, Coll, Syn, Ant, Mer and Hyp). Both native English and Iranian texts exhibited a general tendency in using repetition, general noun and collection but metonymy and antonym were the least used sub-categories in Iranian texts. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences in the use of lexical ties in introduction part of native English and Iranian applied linguistic research articles. Regarding the density of the texts, the analysis indicated that introduction part of native English applied linguistic articles was denser than their corresponding Iranian ones. This study might have implications for teachers and researchers in the field of teaching English as a foreign language because of the fact that teaching sub-types of lexical cohesion to foreign language learners will improve the quality of their reading and writing.


Keywords: lexical cohesion, introduction, native English, Iranian, applied linguistics


جهت دریافت مقاله اینجا کلیک کنید.


  • گروه زبان متوسطه دوم

1-فایل های صوتی سرعت زیادی داردطوری که فهم ان برای بسیاری از دانش اموزان مخصوصا هنرستانی ها دشوار میباشد .

2-ادرس های نوشته شده در کتاب دانش اموز برای مراجعه به کتاب کار مناسب نیست بهتر بود صفحه مورد نظر در کتاب کار را نوشته میشد.

3- دستور تمرین one odd out اشتباه به نظر میرسد چون one صفت است باید بعد odd بیاید یعنی بصورت the odd one out صحیح است .

4-بعضی از تصاویر کتاب دهم مبهم است مانند حیوان مجروح در صفحه 18 کتاب

5- کلا نکات گرامری در هر درس زیاد بوده و معلم باید وقت زیادی از کلاس را صرف تدریس انها نمایید .

6- برگزاری ازمون های speaking -listening سخت و از دقت لازم برخوردار نیست طوری که ازمون کتبی را کم رنگ میکند و وحدت رویه بین همکاران وجود ندارد

                     ( آقای شجاع الدین ساعی ناحیه یک ارومیه)

  • گروه زبان متوسطه دوم


The Effect of Recasts and Prompts on the Acquisition of Past Passive Tense of English

By: Mochtaba Mahmoody (2012)

|    دریافت چکیده به انگلیسی    |    دریافت چکیده به فارسی    |    دریافت پایان نامه    |


This study investigated how recasts and prompts benefited acquisition of regular and irregular English past passive tense. The research questions were: 1. Do the groups that carry out form- focused activities and tasks while receiving corrective feedback show superiority in acquiring past passive tense of English over the control group which perform the same tasks and activities without receiving corrective feedback on the target structure (past passive tense)? 2. Do prompts have differentials effects on the learning of past passive tense of English? 3. Do recasts have differentials effects on the learning of past passive tense of English?

Sixty adult EFL learners in 3 intact classes in an intermediate level participated in the study. The 3 classes were randomly assigned to one prompt group (n = 20), one recast group (n = 20), and one control group (n = 20). The instructional treatment included fifteen random transitive verbs which are presented by photo and another fifteen random one by Persian text which were translated into English by students. They are highlighted the target forms and results showed that in the two feedback groups, teachers consistently provided one type of feedback (i.e., either recast or prompt) in response to learners' errors during the communicative activities, whereas in the control group the teacher provided feedback only on content of the communicative tasks. Participants' acquisition of the past passive tense forms was assessed through an oral test immediately after the treatment.

Results showed that feedback groups significantly improved their accuracy scores over control group. Results also indicated that there were no significant differences between feedback groups (recast, prompt). These findings indicated the beneficial role of feedback in communicative activities in foreign language learning and in EFL classrooms.

|    دریافت چکیده به انگلیسی    |    دریافت چکیده به فارسی    |    دریافت پایان نامه    |

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جهت دریافت فایل اینجا کلیک کنید.

  • گروه زبان متوسطه دوم

تبیین برنامه درسی ملی  در حوزه یادگیری زبانهای خارجی را مطالعه کردم. در بازدیدهای که از مدارس داشتم آن را با همکاران به بحث و تبادل نظر گذاشتم و مقاله ای تحت عنوان بررسی دلایل ناکامی دانش آموزان متوسطه شهرستان سردشت در یادگیری زبان انگلیسی را در همین راستا تدوین کردم.  در برنامه درسی ملی  نکاتی وجود دارد که به بعضی از آنها اشاره می کنیم.  

1. در برنامه درسی ملی مطالب به صورت کلی  بیان شده و برای رسیدن به اهدافی که بیان کرده  راهکارهای مناسبی را ارایه ننموده است. مثلا در قسمتی از آن می خوانیم "در سطح دوم متوسطه، متربیان باید بتوانند متن هایی در حد متوسط را بخوانند و مفاهیم آن ها را دریابند. در ضمن توانایی نوشتن ، در حد یک مقاله کوتاه ، به زبان خارجی نیز در آنها تقویت شود." و آنچه ما در واقعیت می بینیم چیز دیگری است و دانش آموزان بعد از پایان دوره متوسطه از  توانایی ارتباط در زبان انگلیسی و مخصوصا در  نوشتن  ضعیف عمل می کنند.

2. در برنامه درسی ملی فقط از آموزش متربیان سخن گفته و از آموزش مربیان حرفی به میان نیاورده ، بنده پارسال که به عنوان مدرس زبان انگلیسی پایه دهم در خدمت همکاران عزیزم بودم به باور آنها دوره های بازآموزی جدی و مداوم یک نیاز و حتی یک ضرورت است.

3. همچنانکه در مقاله نیز بدان اشاره کردم یکی از دلایل علل ناکامی دانش آموزان در یایگیری زبان انگلیسی تخصیص ساعاتی اندک به تدریس این درس در مدارس است که کاش در برنامه درسی ملی برای جبران این کمبود راهکارهای مناسبی پیشنهاد می شد.

4. در مهارتهای زبان آموزی آشنایی با فرهنگ زبان مقصد به عنوان یک اصل مهمی در پیشرفت زبان آموزی به شمار می رود ما می توانیم ضمن حفظ اصول و پایبندی به فرهنگ اصیل و غنی ایران اسلامی ، دانش آموزانمان را با فرهنگ سخنگویان زبان انگلیسی آشنا کنیم.

5. کتابهای جدیدالتالیف که متناسب با برنامه درسی ملی نگاشته شده اند علیرغم ضعف هایی که دارند یک گام مهم و رو به جلو در راستای یادگیری بهتر زبان انگلیسی قلمداد می شوند امیدواریم در ویراشهای بعدی شاهد برطرف کردن این کاستی ها باشیم.

6. تا نگرشها و باورهایمان را نسبت به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی تغییر ندهیم و انگیزه دانش آموزان از استفاده ابزاری از زبان آموزی به انگیزه یکپارچه تغییر نکند یادگیری زبان انگلیسی دشوار خواهد بود .

در پایان ضمن آرزوی موفقیت برای همکاران عزیزامیدوارم بتوانیم  با همدلی و همفکری یکدیگر گامهای فراتری را برداریم تا شاهد پیشرفت روز افزون فرزندان این مرز و بوم در تمامی عرصه های علم و دانش باشیم.  

احسان آقایی   

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